Frequently Asked Questions

Cost? : NOTHING ... this service is absolutely FREE. All we ask is that people do not abuse the system.

What can I advertise? : Anything that is DanceSport related ... yes even for a new partner ... lol ...

How do 'Buyers' contact me? : Every advert displays a 'Contact Seller' button, this generates an email from the DanceSportLive system where the 'Buyer' can ask questions etc. Your Email Address is not displayed to the buyer and it is up to you as to how to respond to the email.

What order are adverts displayed? : Adverts are displayed in the order that they are created with the newer ones will appear at the top of the list. If an advert is edited it will also relocate to the top of the listing.

Can I delete an advert? : The display of an advert is controlled by you through your Login, simply set the advert to 'inactive' and it will no longer be displayed.